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Building a bridge between two worlds.

I live at the intersection of logic and intuition.


Anchor 1 About


CREATIVITY &  Imagination 


I am the mom and manager of two young actors in TV/film.

I went from working 15+ years in an environment of military/government/business and international development…to living in a world of performers/artists/actors in TV/Film.

This was a dramatic lifestyle change—and still is.


I created the blog

A Beyond Reel Life to take you behind the scenes in TV/Film.




HEALTH Happiness 

How to create a healthy, happy life for children ,family, self?

It’s the #1 question I ask all the time.  


Find answers from the experts where I share insights from those who inspire us—and others— to live better lives.


Why health & happiness first?

 Because no matter how much $$ one makes, how big the role is, what title you hold….none of it matters unless you’re healthy and happy. 

There are a 1,000 new health trends and/or another 1,000 self appointed spiritual gurus flooding the internet any given day….but who/what is really helpful?

I sort through pages and books of information to find out what is helpful and what is not. 

Trying to keep kids, family, and self happy and healthy—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—could be a full time job these days.


I’ve been trying to lead a toxic free life for over 14 years. It’s not easy.


Then, we had to remove gluten, dairy, eggs and more. That wasn’t easy, either.

That’s why I created a section on this site to share information from some of the experts who are here  to help others live a better life.

I don’t just read the words on a page. I see the energy behind the words.

Sometimes there are sparks of
light that jump off the page. It speaks louder than words.

Listen to that. 


-Nancy du Tertre,

      'The Skeptical Psychic' 

I went from working 15+ years in an environment of military/government/business and international development…to living in a world of performers/artists/actors in TV/FIlm.

I travelled around the world, worked on U.S. military/government projects and engaged with diverse leaders in military, government, business, and international humanitarian community. 

That all changed once I had small children. I didn't want to go to the far away (sometimes dangerous) areas anymore. Although my time and focus changed -  less travel, more family, what has not changed is a strong sense of intuition and it only got stronger over the years. It's a subject so important that I dedicate this entire site to it. 


I have pages of reminders that there is a world far greater than our five senses and some of it will be captured on this site.

To promote intuition development to a wider audience has become a priority. Together, with some of the leaders in the field, we build a bridge of understanding between two worlds: visible and invisible, logic and intuition, spirit and matter. My colleagues, mentors, and friends have been mentored by leaders, some of whom have advised former heads of state, government agencies, U.S. military and more. 

One doesn't have to be a psychic or clairvoyant to 'see' or to tune into the world of energy around us.  The invisible becomes visible through Intuition.

What if we expanded our limited ways of looking at life and the world to include intuition as a fully acknowledged sixth sense?”  -Elly Molina
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